Student Couple of the Month - Interview with Kelly G. and Jeff

Student Couple of the Month - Interview with Kelly G. and Jeff

At Radiant Hot Yoga, we believe in celebrating the dedication, progress, and positivity of our community members. Each month, we shine a spotlight on a student who exemplifies the spirit of yoga through their practice, perseverance, and passion. Our Student of the Month section is a tribute to these inspiring individuals who not only embrace the physical challenges but also embody the mental and spiritual growth that yoga fosters. Join us as we honor their journeys, share their stories, and highlight their achievements both on and off the mat.

Introducing our Couple of the Month! Kelly G and Jeff S🌟

Their journey is a beautiful testament to love, support, and shared growth. Together, they radiate warmth and connection, inspiring us all with their bond. I absolutely love their story—read on and let their love inspire you!

The Beginning of Your Journey Together – How did practicing yoga at Radiant Hot Yoga become a special part of your love story? What drew you both to step on the mat together?

It all started when Kelly’s brother Kevin introduced her to Radiant a few years ago, and by the time Jeff came into the picture, Kelly was already a Radiant regular. Naturally, introducing Jeff to the heat and sweat fest was a must! Jeff was new to yoga, but it didn’t take long for him to fall head over heels for the heat, the poses, the great tunes and the incredible Radiant community. He was hooked from day one! And for Kelly, practicing together reignited her own passion for yoga. Now, spending a beautiful, sweaty, and challenging hour mat-to-mat is one of our favorite ways to connect and grow together.

Kelly and I met partying in LV, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her when I got home. We talked for hours after work and eventually planned a trip to CDM 🙂 we had the most amazing time together, and I loved seeing Kelly’s life in Newport Beach.

When Kelly asked me if I wanted to do hot yoga I said sure because I tried it years before. It turns out I have not tried radiant hot yoga! Kelly was so sweet and supportive. Making sure my Matt towels water, everything was just right.

My first class crushed me but in a good way 😉 I was hypoxic, emotional, and sweating more than I ever had. It was a little embarrassing at first because I was crazy about Kelly and was so vulnerable on my mat.

That feeling slowly faded through Kelly’s support, openness, and encouragement of me working through feelings and emotions in yoga. She was not critical of me when I was trying too hard, didn’t give me a hard time when I fell into her standing postures, and introduced me generously to an amazing community at Radiant ❤️.

Kelly and I are wonderfully compatible and also unique individuals. We have fallen in love and yoga is an important foundation of our connection.

Yoga as a Love Language – How has practicing yoga deepened your connection as a couple, both physically and emotionally? What moments on the mat have brought you closer?

Yoga has totally become our love language! It’s this perfect blend of playfulness, strength, and connection. Whether it’s sneaking in a cheeky booty tap during mountain pose when the teacher isn’t looking or lying next to each other in savasana—completely wiped out yet accomplished, drenched in sweat, and feeling totally raw—it’s where we feel the most connected. And then there are those moments when one of us nails a mind-blowing pose, and the other just sits there, marveling at the strength and grace. It’s in those little moments of support, admiration, and laughter where we’ve grown closer both physically and emotionally. Yoga lets us show up for each other, not just in poses, but in life, and it’s made our connection stronger than ever.

To build on Kelly’s response, I 100% agree! I love everything about our yoga ritual at Radiant. It starts with me waking up early and doing silly things that waste time. Then Kelly and Cody go for a walk while I drink coffee and pretend to work. One of my absolute favorites is the drive to MacArthur and Bison, during which Kelly and I sing and dance. Because the practice of yoga and the spiritual principles are something we share, our breaths and our mats are a shared sanctuary and place for us to reconnect.

Transforming Together – In what ways has yoga transformed your relationship, helping you grow together as partners? Are there any powerful lessons you’ve learned from each other through this practice?

Yoga has been a total game-changer for our relationship! It’s our daily reminder to play in our bodies, to smile, and to not take ourselves too seriously—especially when we topple out of a pose. We’ve learned to be grateful for the little things, like how good it feels to stretch and move our bodies or to breathe in fresh ocean air. By practicing together, we grow as a couple, but what’s even more amazing is that we grow individually too. When we work on ourselves, we show up better for each other. We’re definitely more pleasant, patient, and grateful humans because we practice. That growth doesn’t just happen on the mat—it strengthens everything, especially our connection as partners.

I love this question because I’ve become a traveling salesman for hot yoga. Almost every week there is some new insight Kelly or I have during yoga and something we can share or discuss. Those are some of my favorite talks. They also serve as door openers to get to know each other better as we encounter new life experiences (good and bad) as partners.

Strength in Vulnerability – Yoga will bring out vulnerability. How has sharing these vulnerable moments on the mat strengthened your bond and trust in one another?

When you’re drenched in sweat, holding a pose that feels impossible, and your partner is right next to you—there’s no room for pretending! Sharing those vulnerable moments has made our connection so much deeper. It’s like we see each other in our rawest forms, and it’s beautiful. Trust builds when you know that, even at your most vulnerable, you’re loved and supported. And that trust and love spills over into everything we do together.

I have always been an emotional person, but not someone who cries often, certainly not in public. It is also hard for me to say I’m too tired. We’re not strong enough so they have no choice but do both next to my beautiful sweet love is a practice in vulnerability which I think I needed.

Love in Balance – Yoga is all about balance. How has practicing together helped you find balance in your relationship, whether it’s through challenging poses or life’s ups and downs?

Yoga has taught us that balance is so much more than holding a perfect pose—it’s about finding harmony! Practicing together has given us this fun dynamic where we keep each other steady, both on the mat and in life. When things get tough—whether it’s a tricky pose or a stressful day—we’re each other’s counterbalance.

And let’s not forget the real perks—flirty glances in the mirror, and the occasional playful competition over who can hold dancer’s pose the longest (spoiler: it’s usually Kelly, but Jeff’s catching up!). It’s all about laughing through the falls and being there to lift each other up… sometimes literally when that room is HOT but it’s time for standing poses! Finding balance together helps keep things fun, strong, and connected, no matter what life throws at us!

Kelly and I are blessed to have full lives. She is my hero and role model when it comes to living, balanced her sleep, nutrition, family, time, friends, civic volunteering, and career. It blows my mind, and I’ve learned from Kelly that stacking your days with healthy fulfilling reoccurring events is a key part to doing that. But it’s more than just the yoga practice. So much of the balance is the community and how nurturing it is to be around people practicing similar principles.

A Memorable Yoga Moment – What’s the most beautiful or memorable experience you’ve shared during your yoga journey at Radiant Hot Yoga?

Honestly, the most beautiful part of our Radiant journey has been all about the incredible connections we’ve made! We live for those moments when we get to roll out our mats next to our yoga besties, exchange laughs or dances (Jeff, ALWAYS) in the hallway before class, or share sweaty, post-yoga high-fives on the steps outside. The laughs, the inside jokes, and the friendships that have formed—whether we’re in the studio or hanging out after class—have been pure gold. Radiant isn’t just about the heat (though, wow, it’s hot), it’s the heart. We’ve made lifelong friends here, and honestly, we couldn’t imagine our yoga journey without this fun, supportive, and sweaty tribe!

There’s so many, but one in particular involves me, struggling to get through the sun salutation because I was so emotional. I was pushing through and Kelly was continuing to do all the poses, but aware of me. I was in a downward, dog sobbing, and she put her left hand on my right hand 🥰

Off the Mat, Into Life – How do the lessons you’ve learned from yoga carry over into your everyday life and relationship? In what ways has yoga helped you both face life’s challenges with more grace?

The biggest lesson? Breathe through the tough stuff! Whether it’s a stressful workday or trying to agree on our pre-yoga pump up jam (the real challenge!), yoga’s taught us to stay calm, centered, and maybe throw in a few deep breaths when needed.

We’ve learned to go with the flow! Life throws some wild poses our way, but practicing yoga together means we’re way more flexible (in and out of class!). It’s all about staying grounded and knowing we can tackle anything as long as we’re on the same team… or mat. Plus, yoga reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously, so when things get messy, we just laugh, smile, and strike a pose—because if we can survive Radiant Hot Yoga, we can survive anything!

A reoccurring lesson in my life that I continue to study and learn is acceptance. Kelly and I have been so fortunate to share so many wonderful.

The Power of Shared Energy – Yoga is often described as a practice of energy exchange. How does the energy you create on the mat together ripple through the rest of your relationship?

The energy we create on the mat? It’s pure magic—it lifts us up in every part of our lives! When we flow together, it’s not just about nailing the poses; it’s about syncing up mentally, physically, and emotionally. No matter what mood we’re in when we step onto our mats, once we’re in class, we’re 100% there for each other—fully committed and supportive. And that connection sticks with us long after we peel our sweaty selves off the mats!

We carry that same playful, focused energy into everything—whether it’s crushing a busy workday, taking a sunset stroll with our doggy, cooking up dinner together (i.e. Jeff the chef, Kelly the master taster), or facing new challenges head-on. It’s like our little secret superpower that keeps us bonded.

Even when life throws its chaos our way, we’ve got this shared energy to lean on. It’s what keeps us smiling, grounded, and ready for whatever comes next. Yoga is our daily reminder that, together, we can handle anything—on or off the mat!

Kelly’s energy is like something I’ve never seen before! Not only does she have an incredible motor, but she revs it with so much purpose towards all the things she cares about most. I have a lot of energy too, but struggle with focus. I love how Kelly and my energy complement one another. Our relationship is a place where I feel free to be my silly self and yoga is a place where our energies converge as we connect with the breath.

Advice for Other Couples – What would you say to other couples considering starting yoga together? How has it changed your love and connection in unexpected ways?

Oh, you have to do it! Yoga together is like the ultimate relationship hack—sweaty, fun, and sometimes a little spicy! You’ll discover new ways to challenge and encourage each other. You spend an entire hour marveling at your partner’s strength and beauty. Plus, there’s something about being side by side in downward dog that brings you closer—literally and emotionally! We’ve learned to be patient, playful, and more connected than ever. It’s seriously transformed our relationship in ways we didn’t expect. Not to mention, post-yoga cuddles after a good savasana? Game-changer. Trust us, yoga will take your love to the next level!

My advice for couples would be consistent with Kelly’s: definitely try hot yoga together! The caveat I would add is to start off by saying that yoga is not competitive. There is no judgment to prevent any relative comparisons that can be the pitfall of some couples. Referencing an earlier response, so much of the value is learning to be vulnerable not able to do something and it’s still being OK… Well flailing in front of the person you loved most. As a man, I would tell other men not to worry about the fact that they’re going to be very bad at first life can be so competitive and it’s hard to turn it off. Judgment, competition, ego, and scorekeeping have no place on the map, and I rarely found and healthy, nurturing partnerships.

Thank you for this practice. Thank you for this life.

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