With A Heavy Heart <3
Dear Radiant family,
It is with a heavy heart that I am sending this email out once again, but here we are in these very challenging and unprecedented times. Sadly, I am announcing that we are closing our doors due to Governor’s orders as of July 13, 2020. We had only one short but very sweet and beautiful month of offering yoga and getting to see your sweet faces. The Irvine PD came to my studio and told me that I have to close my business and that they would be by frequently to make sure that I stay closed indefinitely. Furthermore, they went on to say that there is no time limit on this order but that they will be enforcing it.
I am beyond saddened and in shock. The pain does not end there. I have not been offered any rent reduction on either location and my rent for both locations is $42,000 a month. Yes, that is true and shockingly correct. Being a single mom since Skyler and Savanna were the tender age of 3 and 5, I have climbed many challenging mountains and have forged through many fires with the desire and passion to heal myself and my children from the pain this world deals out. Building and creating this sanctuary has been one of my greatest joys next to raising my daughters. Radiant is my life, it is all I know, like the air I breathe it is with me day and night. It is my passion, my purpose, my life calling. I am saddened beyond expression to see many small businesses close. Watching people who have sacrificed; given their blood, sweat, and tears to create something beautiful for everyone to enjoy, only to have it come crumbling down shattered into millions of pieces and have to shut their doors and walk away from the world they put everything into. Some days I cry and feel somewhat lost, questioning how am I going to survive this situation and some days I feel immeasurable amounts of strength, a strength that seems to come from something and somewhere beyond me. I have no idea how long we will be on this rollercoaster, but I do know that even though we are all on different ships, we are weathering the same storm, and we are riding the waves of life together.
I want to thank you for all the continued love and support we have received. Many people have shared how Radiant has been their mental therapy, place of worship, physical therapy, a safe haven, and their home away from home. We know many of you are struggling and this has been the only thing that has brought you peace and healing. I want you to know I am here for you.
Please call me 480-286-8732 or email me [email protected] if life becomes too unbearable or if you just need someone who will listen and remind you that you are not alone and that you are loved. The truth is, I will probably need it just as bad as you.
Now, on to more light-hearted and hopeful news… I am excited to announce, coming very soon we will be opening Radiant On Demand!! You will be able to practice from your home with your favorite Radiant teachers, not only amazing pre-recorded videos that will surely kick your butt but also leave you feeling motivated as well as inspired. We are offering live interactive classes a couple of times a day!! We might not be able to be together in the hot room but we will stay connected, unified, and strong together with Radiant On Demand! I will always be here to push you physically and lift you spiritually.
I would like to offer a few options in regard to your packages and being able to practice.
- Continue to support your home away from home by leaving your auto pay instated.
- If you would like your account frozen, please email me at [email protected]. Please allow 5-7 business days to respond to accounts. please put in the subject line “account”.
- All Class Cards and One Year Unlimited will be extended out.
- Contact me for private yoga sessions.
Life is full of uncertainty but the one thing we can always count on is change. So as we embrace change, let us not forget the beauty of life, with all of its ups and downs it still is a truly beautiful place.
I have so much love and gratitude for you all in my big radiant heart.
In radiance,
Darlene, Skyler & Savanna