The moment I heard about the teacher training to be held at Radiant Hot Yoga I wanted to join.
I loved the classes there as I found I was not only both strengthening and stretching my muscles but I was centering and focusing my brain to a level that I had never found before in any form of exercise. As a mother of four active children with lots of activities/sports on the weekends, however, my husband felt that it simply was not possible for me to join. So I rescinded my application. Weeks went by and I found that I wasn’t feeling peace with that decision. One evening, after a wonderful class practice, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it and “knew” that I had to be a part of the teacher training. It was the best decision I have made all year.
In the teacher training I learned all about the history of yoga and the different types of yoga; read several very interesting books; watched powerful and motivating movies; learned basic anatomy of the body and its relationship to yoga poses; learned the correctness and meaning of the postures; learned some Chinese medicine and health / food knowledge that has radically influenced my life and my family’s life forever more; learned yoga’s role in healing the body, learned to memorize a very specific dialogue, learned dosha’s, chakra’s, etc… But more than anything, any of the above, I EXPERIENCED what it is to be among a group of women/men who are positive, growing, vulnerable and open to change, supportive, and loving. I EXPERIENCED the meaning of Namaste by Mahatma Gandhi: “I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.” And that, is rare indeed.