I just completed the 200-Hour yoga teacher training. Three words – Life changing experience!

Embarking on the this teacher training at Radiant was one of the most incredible awakenings of my spirit, my heart and my understanding of yoga. The course definitely taught me about anatomy, alignments, yogic texts, philosophy and a beautiful sequence of asanas that is beginner-friendly and for advanced yogis.

This course not only taught you how to teach, but how to deepen your own practice and live your yoga. One of my favorite parts of the training was learning to project my voice in a classroom, stand tall and find confidence within my self. Initially, I was nervous about the whole process, but very quickly realized that it was all about self-development. The amount of growth I have felt & experienced within the YTT is unparalleled to anything I have done before. Giving yourself the space to blossom into a teacher is something truly unique. The various training weekends introduced me to new ways of thinking, as well as new ways to look at the world. I can’t fully articulate how special this teacher training was for me, but rather it is something one has to experience for themselves in order to fully understand. To anyone looking to further their own journey, whether that be spiritually, mentally, or physically, I can’t recommend this path enough. Darlene is a vessel of guidance, light, love, a inspirational teacher who presented yoga in a way that allowed each of us to find our own paths. Whether you intend to teach or not the course will give you a better understanding of Yoga and the amazing changes it can make in your body, mind and spirit.